Top Polytechnic College in MSBTE

Civil Engineering

Prof. Nigade S.D.

The department of Civil engineering has been in existence since the inception of Shri Chhatrapati Sambhajiraje Polytechnic. The department is committed to produce well trained and professional engineer to face the dynamic and increasing challenges of industry. We are also committed to nurture the students to get acquainted with the latest skills and practices keeping the pace with the industry. The department continuously organizes expert lectures, seminars, workshops etc. to increase awareness about industry and latest inventions among the students and faculties. Also high qualified and dynamic faculties, well equipped laboratories and disciplined environment are the strengths of the department.

Contact No: 919561688143
Title Full time/Part time Duration Intake
Diploma in Civil Engineering Full Time 3 years/ 6 sem 60
The intake for course is 60.Diploma in Civil Engineering is committed to provide quality education. The strength of the Department is qualified and devoted faculty, motivated students and well equipped labs. Our faculty and students work together to study, experiment and to solve problems in the various fields.

To impart quality education in civil engineering and technology with global perspectives to our students and to make them ethically strong, enthusiastic engineers to build our nation and to protect environment , earth. .

• To produce civil engineers of high caliber , technical skills and ethical values to serve the society and nation. .
• To make the department a Centre of excellence in the field of civil engineering and allied research.
• To provide knowledge base and consultancy services to the community in all areas of civil engineering.
• To promote innovative and original thinking in the minds of budding engineers to face the challenges of future
• To protect environmental and to make healthy atmosphere.

Faculty Details





Email id:

Prof.Khopade D.K


B.E. Civil(Water Management) , M.Tech(Hydraulics)






Email id:

Prof. Nigade S.D.

Head of Department

M.E. Structure

11 year





Mail Id:

Prof.Patil B.S.



6 Years





Email id:

Prof. Rawalekar P.P.


B.E Civil

4 Year





Email id:

Prof. Mahadik S.K.


B.E (Civil)

3 Years





Email id:

Prof. Barbhai S.M.


B.E Civil

3 years





Email id:

Prof. Pisal S.C.



02 Years




The lab provides practical work on. The Surveying Laboratory enables students to understand the basic principles of surveying by conducting field exercises using surveying equipment such as Electronic Total Station (Accuracy 5 sec), Vernier Transit Theodolite (Accuracy 20 sec), Quick setting Dumpy Level, Auto level etc. (Total Investment: 5.75 Lac)



The lab involves study of earth materials in the context of engineering investigation, design and construction. Available testing equipment ranges from standard devices and soils laboratory infrastructure to state-of-the-art soil and aggregate testing systems. (Total Investment: 5.00 Lac)



Students are actively involved in studying the behavior of concrete through designing and testing concrete mixes. Concrete is tested for consistency while fresh and for strength after curing and hardening. A 3000KN Digital Compression testing Machine, Permeability Test Apparatus, Digital Accelerated Curing Tank, Flexural beam testing machine, Humidity Chamber Heating Type available. (Total Investment: 10.55 Lac)



The students will be able to design, mix, compact and test asphalt mixtures. Ho-mix asphalt is analyzed using Marshall Test and the bitumen binder is graded by penetration. Aggregates are tested for abrasion with a Los Angeles machine, and evaluated according to their sand equivalent value and California bearing ratio. Extraction of bitumen is also available for field control testing. (Total Investment: 5.25 Lac)



The primary objective of this lab is to demonstrate environmental engineering testing procedures. Students contribute through water testing procedures to build a pollution database of the nearby rivers. A three meters high settling column is available for wastewater analysis. Other equipment includes BOD Incubator Chamber, COD Digestion Apparatus. (Total Investment: 4.00 Lac)


• Basic knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, sciences and basic engineering to solve the broad-based Civil engineering problems..
• Discipline knowledge: Apply Civil engineering knowledge to solve broad-based Civil engineering related problems..
• Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the results to solve broad-based Civil engineering problems.
• Engineering tools: Apply relevant Civil technologies and tools with an understanding of the limitations..
• The engineer and society: Assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to practice in field of Civil engineering
• Environment and sustainability: Apply Civil engineering solutions also for sustainable development practices in societal and environmental contexts
• Ethics: Apply ethical principles for commitment to professional ethics, responsibilities and norms of the practice also in the field of Civil engineering.
• Individual and team work: Function effectively as a leader and team member in diverse/ multidisciplinary teams.
• Communication: Communicate effectively in oral and written form.
• Life-long learning: Engage in independent and life-long learning activities in the context of technological changes also in the Civil engineering and allied industry.
PSO 1: Construction Planning and Designing: Perform optimal civil engineering construction, planning and designing activities of desired quality at optimal cost.
PSO 2: Construction Execution and Maintenance: Execute civil engineering construction and maintenance using relevant materials and equipment..
PEO 1: Provide socially responsible, environment friendly solutions to Civil engineering related broad-based problems adapting professional ethics..
PEO 2: Adapt state-of-the-art Civil engineering broad-based technologies to work in multidisciplinary work environments..
PEO 3: Solve broad-based problems individually and as a team member communicating effectively in the world of work..

Student Achievmet

Faculty Achievement

Sr. No. Name of Staff No. of Paper Published/Presented No. of Workshop/Seminar/Tranning/STTP Attended/Organized Other
1. Prof.Khopade D.K 02 10 Awarded by Best Teacher, Gold Medalists for University Topper Civil Engineering-Water Management Vice-Principal & HOD in AES Polytechnic, HOD at Zeal Polytechnic, Receiving London Book World Record 2024 Award
2. Prof. Nigade S.D 0 0
3. Prof. Jagtap A.G. 00 01
4. Prof. Rawelekar P.P. 00 01
5. Prof. Pisal S.C. 00 01

Time Table

Sr. No. Time table
1. Even Sem View
2. Odd Sem View


MSBTE Winter 2024 Toppers:

Third Year Percentage

1. Khomane Trupti Tanaji = 92.10 %
2. Margaje Ganesh Dashrath = 83.70 %
3. Talekar Shravani Mhasku = 82.40 %

Second Year Percentage

1. Giri Khushi Jaiprakash = 85.50 %
2. Deshmukh Prapti Mahadev = 81.70 %
3. Gaikwad Monika Dattatray = 76.80 %

First Year Percentage

1. Damgude Devraj Laxman = 92.71 %
2. Bhise Samruddhi Sudhir = 79.65 %
3. Parmar Nivedita Vinod= 75.18 %

Industrial Visits

Industrial Visit Industrial Visit

Sr. No. Date Nature of Activity Name of Activity Report
1. 23/02/2024 Visit on Railway and Bridge Engineering View

Industrial visit is an integral part of the academic curriculum which provides students the greater insight about the working environment of an organization. Institute organizes regular visits to various industries in order to understand and learn the emerging trends in the field of engineering & technology

Parents Meeting

Parents meeting is an integral part of the academic curriculum.

Technical Activities 2023-24

Sr. No. Date Nature of Activity Name of Activity Name of Resource Person Report
1. 31/08/2023 Workshop SKILL BUILDING Mr Abhijit Gaikwad.(Vastu Tech Computer Institue Bhor.) View

Technical Activities 2020-21

Sr. No. Date Nature of Activity Name of Activity Name of Resource Person
1. 22/11/2021 Guest Lecture Water Resourse Mr.Namdev powar View
2. 16/11/2021 Guest Lecture Hydraulics engineering Dr.sayyad s.s View

Technical Activities 2018-19

Sr. No. Date Nature of Activity Name of Activity Name of Resource Person Report
1. 21/10/2018 Workshop SKILL BUILDING Mr. Vaibhav Dixit (Technical Manager) and Mr. Harsh shah (TTSM) View
2. 11/10/2018 Guest Lecture Industry 4.0 lean technology and Future of Work Mr. Anand Joshi from Training Department of Lean Maestro View

Departmental Event 2021

Sr. No. Date Name of Activity Name of Resource Person
1. 1/12/2021 Parent Meeting Prof.D.K.Khopade View

News Letter

Memorandum of Understanding

CESA: Civil Engineering Students' Association

  • About CESA

    CESA, The Civil Engineering Student's Association of SCSCOE, Aims to play a pivotal role in the development of students as Engineers by various out-of-curriculum and extra curricular activities. CESA develops current and future leaders and amplifies the student voice at the Local, State, and National levels by mobilizing grassroots power to win concrete victories on student issues.


    CESA aims to inculcate among its members an awareness and appreciation of the various disciplines of not just Civil Engineering but also other relevant fields. By way of its activities CESA aims to be a platform for all the students of SCSCOE in general and particularly of the students of Civil department. CESA seeks to be an active organization of the Computer department at SCSCOE which promotes their career interests.

    A man only learns in two ways, one by reading, and the other by association with smarter people.

    Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.